Mitte Mai 2019 waren wir in New York City, und haben dort die typischen Touristen-Hotspots besucht.
New York
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Schlagworte: American Museum of Natural History, Avengers Drehort, Broadway, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Charging Bull, Chrysler Building, Dum Dum, Empire State Building, Flat Iron Building, Freiheitsstatue, Grand Central Station, Kevin allein in New York, Manhattan, New York bei Nacht, New York City, New York Stock Exchange, NY, NYSE, NYSE Bull, Oculus, One World Trade Center, Pubilc Library, Rexi, Rockefeller Building, Skyline, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Trinity Church, USA, Wall Street, World Trade Center, World Trade Center Memorial, WTC
Schlagworte: American Museum of Natural History, Avengers Drehort, Broadway, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Charging Bull, Chrysler Building, Dum Dum, Empire State Building, Flat Iron Building, Freiheitsstatue, Grand Central Station, Kevin allein in New York, Manhattan, New York bei Nacht, New York City, New York Stock Exchange, NY, NYSE, NYSE Bull, Oculus, One World Trade Center, Pubilc Library, Rexi, Rockefeller Building, Skyline, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Trinity Church, USA, Wall Street, World Trade Center, World Trade Center Memorial, WTC